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Set an invisible fence

A Geo-Fence is an invisible boundary. Our Alarm is capable of creating a  geofence/virtual fence or a perimeter around the alarm devices’ physical location or separate specific physical location.


Do you have employees or contractors that wander? Fortunately, we may be able to assist with this problem. One integrated  technology within this alarm that is currently being used to track wanderers is geofencing. Using GPS technology, geofencing can alert Employers if their staff or contractors go beyond  the invisible boundaries put in place.

If you are an employer and want to know that someone remains within a certain location like a worksite, a geofence can be set to send an alert if the alarm has sensed it has moved outside of the invisible fence. Typically geofencing is something that only works outdoors for areas greater than a radius of over 100m, utilizing GPS technology. This invisible fence can be set around the radius of a worksite, around a street or even a suburb or city. Alternatively, you can set the fence to do the opposite; for example if you don’t want a contractor wandering to a certain building, or even a salesman going to territory they are not supposed to, you can geo fence this off, so that if the alarm detects entering this zone, it sends an alert to the employers.

Geofencing uses communication technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi or cellular data. Once a user sets up a geofence, a preprogrammed action is automatically triggered when the personal safety alarm enters or exits the geofence. A virtual boundary can be created around a geographical location as small as a 100m, and as large as a ZIP code, city or entire state.

Without this technology, locating a wandering staff member or contractor could go undetected. With a personal GPS tracker, location finder- locating a wandering individual can be accomplished within minutes


Geofencing allows for stricter monitoring and prevention of employees, visitors or equipment entering restricted areas. Geofences can be set to alert your nominated emergency contacts if the device has entered or exited a geofence area.

Asset or People Management

Geofencing and location tracking can help track people or assets and to understand if an asset or person is at the right location at the right time. In case a person or asset tries to exit the geofence area in an unauthorized manner, alerts can be raised to the emergency contacts. For example, if a contractor was on a large work site or farm, a geofence can be set to alert the emergency contacts that they have wandered beyond the safe working environment.

Restricted Areas

Geofencing can serve as another factor in the safety and security. For example, beacons (Sold separately) can be used indoors where GPS signals are unavailable, such as restricted areas, offices or laboratories. The device can be set to recognize the beacon signal an prevent unauthorized activity and alert the emergency contacts.

Geofences can effectively monitor people and assets. Minimum geofence area is 100m radius.